My 2011 Clawbie Nominations


It’s awards time again! Hard to believe it was a year ago that Brenda and I won the 2010 Clawbie award for Best Law Librarian blog! Here are my nominations for the 2011 award:

PitbLAWg: This is the writing of a whole firm of lawyers (full disclosure: I used to work for Pitblado). After a slow start, it’s getting posted to regularly and on a whole variety of subject areas. Obviously Manitoba-centric, but for me, that’s a good thing. I especially like that the most prolific poster is Ned Brown, a senior partner.

On Firmer Ground: This is a collaboration of a number of law library associations, with a truly global authorship. Although not that many posts, the ones that are there are substantive and informative. I look forward to great work yet to come!

Employment and Human Rights Law in Canada by Lisa Stam. Lisa’s posts are thoughtful and well-researched, and help keep me informed on the changes happening in these areas of law.

And a shout out to potential “Friends of the North” 3 Geeks and a Law Blog – while they don’t write on the Canadian legal sphere very often, Greg Lambert did recently cite Tegan and Sara in a post, and you can’t get any more quintessentially Canadian than that!

This year was a hard year to come up with my picks – not because there aren’t a lot of great law blogs out there, but because I like to highlight ones that are a little off the beaten path. Blogging can be a huge time consumer, and I think it’s important to recognize those who contribute to the greater good.

And a huge thank you to Steve Mathews and crew for taking this on again. I’m sure you’ll have fun wading through the nominations looking for those shining stars!

~ Karen