Day One of SLA2009


And now the education begins! After 2 days in Washingston visiting the sites, going to the open houses, and taking in the International Spy Museum (a must if you have an interest in espionage, corporate or otherwise!), I’ve started attending the information sessions. I started out with ROI 2.0 for Corporate Libraries.

After a promising beginning, it ended at 20 minutes (in a 90 minute time slot) and went to questions. Well, even I know a library conference presentation cannot accommodate an hour’s worth of questions. Either I didn’t read the program note properly, or it wasn’t described well enough. First of all, it was a vendor presentation, which means it’s not going to apply across the board. While I appreciate reading about what this particular vendor did in terms of a research study to create a dashboard that would help their clients gauge ROI, I wasn’t able to take enough back that would help my situation. However, the presentor will be publishing the presentation on their website, so it will be freely available, which is especially helpful for the references. There were some studies mentioned that I’d like to review.

So I had some free time to do a little shopping, write this post, check on Twitter (man is it busy! check out the #sla2009 tag!). Next I’m off to the Grand Hyatt hotel for a presentation sponsored by EOS with Guy St. Clair. I think it’s on the history of SLA. I have got to learn to read between the lines of my program notes!

More later…

~ Karen